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Ismael Clemente has participated in EY’s The Office Property Telescope.

The desirability of office buildings is determined by three aspects. The location, the quality of the building, which includes two elements that used to count for nothing and that now play a fundamental role: technology and sustainability; and the services it receives, a variable that the office market is beginning to incorporate and whose objective is to give added value to the end client, which is none other than the employee», commented our CEO, Ismael Clemente during the presentation of #TheOfficePropertyTelescope by EY.

During the meeting in which the study that analyses all the trends in the office sector was presented, the following participated:

– José Luis Risco, Partner of the People Advisory Services area at EY Spain.

– Javier Garcia-Mateo. Partner in charge of the Real Estate sector for the Strategy & Transactions area at EY Spain.

– Iván Azinovic, Partner in charge of the Real Estate sector at EY Spain.

– Nuria Martín, HR and Talent Director at Cuatrecasas.

– Remedios Orrantia, Human Resources Director Europe Cluster

You can see here the main key points of the study and the video of the event: https://go.ey.com/3IRGjaO